Monday, March 7, 2011

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

What a simply marvelous book! Mr. Bradley has rapidly won a spot at the very top of my favorite authors list, and Flavia de Luce a spot right under the remarkable Thursday Next from Jasper Fforde. Flavia is exactly who I wish I was at 11, even unto today. She's a perfect genius, and can be an evil one at that. I love the interactions with her sisters. On top of all this is the fact that this in an excellent mystery novel, well deserving of all the awards it's brokered.

Through many twists and turns the plot thickens and you are drawn more and more into the story; even into the possibility of starting a stamp collection. You also become fascinated with poison, and it's study. Who would have thought that chemistry could be that relaxing. I love that Flavia, at 11, is fascinated with poisons and thinking up ways of using them.

This was an excellent start to an excellent series; I am thrilled that Mr. Bradley has been contracted for at least five more! I eagerly look forward to the next books.

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