Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scotts

I was once coerced into reading "Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles," by Margaret George. One of my optomistic friends lent it to me and was so excited to discuss it that I couldn't say no-to be honest I was rather intimidated by it's miniscule font and thin sheafs that created such a massive book. However, once I finished the book I was quite taken with Mary's story and it's tragic end and immediately wanted to know more from all points of view. I have since aquired many books written about the era, from the point of view of different people. However, whenever I see one about Mary I can't resist.

This was one of those purchases. I have to say that I measure all future books I read against the wonder that Margaret George introduced me to, and while this wasn't as good I have definitely read worse. There were some details that I did not recall from George's version, however, given that my grasp on this subject comes from fiction, it isn't all that surprising that I don't know all the details.

Overall it was a good book, but given the known ending it is not one to read if you needed a pick-me-up. I do intend to look into more of Erickson's books and see if I can find any more treasures about the other key players in Mary's life. If you are interested in Mary, I cannot recommend George's version highly enough. It may appear daunting, but the read is worth it.

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